Are You Tired of the Same Old Mint Flavor?

When you walk down the toothpaste aisle, the number of choices can be overwhelming. But, on closer inspection, you’re really only choosing from varieties of the same mint flavors. Peppermint, Spearmint, Cinnamint, Cool Mint, and the list truly could go on. It all started in the medieval times. People used mint leaves to freshen their breath. Studies have shown, people still associate the cool sensation of mint in their mouths with cleanliness and freshness, regardless of if it really works. The power of positive thought and the association is strong. Sick of the mint? Here are a few choices, some weirder than others, that have deviated from the norm.


This flavor was available for a limited run in the Philippines. It’s safe to say no one’s mouth probably felt any fresher after brushing with it.

Pumpkin Pudding

Japan takes the cake on odd toothpaste flavors. They have a wide variety of strange ones like Indian curry and eggplant. So if you want to taste the flavors of dinner while cleaning your teeth, Japan has all the possibilities you could need.

Ice Cream

Many countries, the United States included, seems to make all the fun flavors for the kids. This includes variations on different favorite ice cream flavors.

Alcoholic Beverages

Some toothpaste now comes infused with flavors of scotch, whiskey or even champagne. I wouldn’t recommend chasing it with orange juice for a morning mimosa. We all know how disgusting toothpaste and orange juice tastes together. Read more on why HERE.


It seems Americans around the nation have decreed that everything tastes better with bacon. The concept of “everything” is certainly being tested here.

Surely some of these flavors are more for novelty sake than cleanliness. But, it’s refreshing to get some options outside the normal mint variety. For a truly fresh mouth, call our office to schedule a cleaning today at (602) 957-9643.

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