How to Take Care of Your Gums

When it comes to practicing oral hygiene, the teeth should not be the sole focus of your efforts. Instead, you must also highlight the significant contributions of your gums in maintaining your health. Gums are soft, mucosal tissues in the mouth that surround and protect the bones holding the teeth together. They also serve as a barrier against harmful bacteria and outside trauma to the teeth. Thus, when regarded with insufficient pampering, gums will accumulate oral diseases and even give rise to more life-threatening abnormalities like heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

There are a number of ways by which you can keep your gums healthy, and you can start off by following these easy steps:
Choose your toothbrush carefully
The structure of your toothbrush can alone be damaging to your gums. Toothbrushes with hard bristles tend to scrape off your gums’ outer layers and cause bleeding. When buying a new brush, opt for one that has soft, crisscross and round bristles. Although it costs more, this type of toothbrush is in fact a good investment since it is able to reach more space in your mouth and eliminate a greater amount of plaque.

Do not take flossing and mouthwash for granted
Brushing alone is not enough because there are areas in between the spaces of your teeth and gums where small residue from food can hide and spread cavities. That is why, combining the practice of flossing after brushing your teeth helps make your mouth spotlessly clean.

Furthermore, use an alcohol-free mouthwash to flush out the germs in your mouth that cannot be washed away by simply rinsing it with water. This also helps prevent disease-causing bacteria from resurfacing on your gums, soothes mouth sores, prevents cavities and gives you fresher breath!

Chew on some cheese
Believe it or not, cheese can do wonders to your precious teeth and gums! Cheese keeps plaque build-up from leftover food at bay. In addition, it contains casein and whey protein that reduce demineralization of tooth enamel and vitamin D to boost your mouth and your body’s calcium absorption.

Fight off unhealthy temptations
Learn how to control your cravings and avoid snacks and beverages filled with sugar and starch. Despite their tastiness, they produce unhealthy quantities of acid in your mouth and they leave stubborn deposits in every corner of your gums. Replace candies, cookies, crackers, chips and sodas with apples, celery, pears and a cup of tea.

Last but definitely not the least, go for regular dental check-ups. At Arcadia Dental Arts, we are more than happy to address and resolve all kinds of oral ailments. Our caring and professional dentists will cooperate with you to ensure that your gums and your mouth receive the proper treatment and maintenance at all times.

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